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DEICIDE Is In The Studio, Just Wrapped Up Drums

It's coming! Not this year though.

It's coming! Not this year though.

Deicide told us all not to expect an album this year, and the band seems to be sticking to that assertion. However, it looks like there will be a new Deicide album sometime in 2017! The band took to Facebook to announce that it has just wrapped up drums, but Deicide doesn't allow embedding of its Facebook posts… so here's a link.

Drummer Steve Asheim seems somewhat stoked on the new material, though his confidence in band's good material seems to be low anyway. Here's what he had to say to Metal Wani, by way of Blabbermouth, in a recent interview!

"It seems like we're gonna be taking the same approach. I mean, we're not gonna fix what isn't broken, as far as what we do. You know, we've been writing heavy riffs. We're just gonna make 'em heavier as work [on] them together."

He continued: "It was weird. When we did the last record, I was, like, 'Eh, I'm really not that psyched about these songs,' and the album turned out being great. And the way the new material is, it's funny, I'm kind of, like, 'Eh, it could be better.' So we're just gonna be hashing some more stuff out and really make it intense, because we know we did a pretty good one and we're gonna have to beat it. But we're gonna work on it hard, make sure it's good."

So maybe we'll see this album in like, March or something? That certainly gives enough time for recording, mixing, mastering, and marketing.

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