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Trump Dancing To TWISTED SISTER's "We're Not Gonna Take It" Is the Weirdest Video of the Week

br00tal Comedy

Trump Dancing To TWISTED SISTER's "We're Not Gonna Take It" Is the Weirdest Video of the Week

This has not been a good week for Donald Trump when it comes to videos. My friend Jennifer sent me this clip from an August 2015 fundraiser (jeez that seems like decades ago when it comes to this election). Donald Trump's son, Eric, held a fundraiser for St. Jude's Children's Hospital and had Twisted Sister perform. For some reason the entire Trump family are on stage with Dee Snider and we see the sight of Donald Trump dancing – which is something I cannot unsee.

Twisted Sister's Dee Snider famously appeared on a season of Celebrity Apprecitice, and while he considers Donald a friend and has called him "a class act," he kindly requested Donald stop using this very song on the campaign trail. What a weird year for politics.

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