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THY ART IS MURDER Finish New Album, Vow To Never Have Clean Vocals

“[Clean vocals are] one avenue that is definitely not open to our band."

“[Clean vocals are] one avenue that is definitely not open to our band."

Thy Art Is Murder has had a pretty interesting year and a half between the release of Holy War and now. Vocalist CJ McMahon quit the band, the band had some people filling in without ever declaring a new vocalist, McMahon is back now, and now Thy Art Is Murder and Suicide Silence hate each other over a war of words that boils down to calling each other boring.

To add another paragraph to the band's ongoing current chapter, Thy Art Is Murder guitarist Andy Marsh has announced in a recent interview with Metal Wani that it has written a new record and will hit the studio soon.

"We’ve finished writing. We got together a couple of months ago, Sean and I, and we spent a few weeks writing after a tour and we did it, like in three or four weeks.

We’ve written a record, now we just got to record the damn thing. We’re excited for it… When we think about our music, obviously, in our heads, we think about CJ‘s voice singing over it—so having him coming back, at the end of us writing a record, it made us excited to go and record it and hear it the way we imagined hearing it.

The fans, obviously, their idea of the band is with CJ singing in the band. We share that vision, that idea, also. Our band is like a small family and the way we imagine hearing our own music and how we craft the product is with that end goal in mind. So, it’s definitely exciting to know we can get the sound we want."

Marsh also says that Thy Art Is Murder will not introduce clean vocals on the album, stating “that’s one avenue that is definitely not open to our band." So there you have it – Thy Art Is Murder, new album maybe 2017. No clean vocals.


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