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Kirk Windstein to enter rehab; skipping Ozzfest

Kirk WindsteinKirk Windstein, of Crowbar, Down and Kingdom of Sorrow always struck me as a fun partier. For one, the guy had bigger bags under his eyes, than your local sanitation department, indicating to me he was stoned at most points of the day. Now, word comes in via official press release, that Kirk is trying to sober up, and is entering an AA program. Here is a message from the man himself:

"Just wanted to let everyone know that I will be taking a much-needed break and will not be joining my bros in KINGDOM OF SORROW for Ozzfest.

"I have entered the AA program and am turning over a new leaf. 25 years of gigging and touring has taken its toll and my drinking is now preventing me from being the healthiest, best player that I can be.

It's been a fun ride, but I'm ready to tackle this sober and look forward to being at the top of my game with all of my projects!

"I am happy to say that Kenny Hickey will once again be filling my spot for these eight shows.

"Thanks, Kenny; I love you bro!!!

"Thanks to everyone for their support."

For more info on Ozzfest 2010, visit this link.

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