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Jacob Bannon Says CONVERGE's New Record Is "Very Powerful"

"We’ve been a band for a million years. What we do is what we do."

"We’ve been a band for a million years. What we do is what we do."

Converge is currently holed up in the studio recording the followup to its 2012 album All We Love We Leave Behind, which will be 18 songs long and might drive drummer Ben Koller insane. Now in an interview with Dig Boston, frontman Jacob Bannon says the new album will be "very powerful" and will be a "progression of something [they] did previously."

"It’s a Converge record, just like every other record—which I say because people usually ask if there’s some type of creative slurb, which like, no. We’ve been a band for a million years. What we do is what we do. Right now, I’m just excited because I find what we wrote to be very powerful because—I really believe this, and I don’t know if other artists look at it this way—I just want to do things that are creatively fulfilling. As long as it’s a progression of something we did previously, then we’re doing something good."

Bannon makes a good point though – Converge has been putting out albums since 1994. It seems pretty safe to say that you know what you're getting with Converge by now, and either you're into it at this point or you're not.

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