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Two Dudes Got The TOOL Logo Tattooed On Their Butts, Because Why Not?

NSFW, clearly.

NSFW, clearly.

Ah, band tattoos. It's a gamble getting them just in case that band suddenly starts putting out garbage music, or because you just might not be into them anymore. Except for these two dudes, who do not care.

Reddit user grenadiness and his buddy got matching Tool tattoos on their buttcheeks, with the reason essentially being "fuck it."

We're both pretty big fans of the band, recently saw them together in Virginia. He's moving away in August and we needed to get the friendship tats out of the way. It was kind of just an impulsive idea I had that he agreed to~

Granadiness also says he doesn't regret doing it, because again – why not?

I like to think I don't take myself too seriously and live pretty lightheartedly. If this turns out to be what I regret most in my life, I did okay.

Anyway, here's the photo of the matching tattoos, which you probably shouldn't look at during work hours.

Two Dudes Got The TOOL Logo Tattooed On Their Butts, Because Why Not?

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