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UFC's Josh Barnett Throws Crowd-Surfers Off EVERY TIME I DIE's Stage Once Again

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UFC's Josh Barnett Throws Crowd-Surfers Off EVERY TIME I DIE's Stage Once Again

Back in 2013, former UFC champion and current NJPW on AXS color commentator Josh Barnett hopped up on stage during an Every Time I Die show and started chucking dudes off stage and putting them in the torture rack before chucking them. He had so much fun that when Every Time I Die came back to LA this weekend, Barnett was up and throwing dudes once again. The best part is dudes willingly coming up to the dude and being like "throw me please, Josh" and Josh being like "k." Pro Wrestling Sheet got the footage.

Barnett stuck around and cut a promo with Every Time I Die guitarist and noted pro wrestler Andy Williams. Watch that below. For wrestling fans, check out the interview we posted with NJPW's US champion, Kenny Omega. Listen here.

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