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Robb Flynn Says New MACHINE HEAD Is Musically Like The Burning Red

"It’s like Burning Red with Burn My Eyes production or The Blackening production."

"It’s like Burning Red with Burn My Eyes production or The Blackening production."

Machine Head recently announced its new album Catharsis will be out in January 2018, and frontman and guitarist Robb Flynn says people shouldn't expect the heaviest thing ever. To put that a little more into perspective, Flynn has released another conversational-type YouTube video where he explains that the new stuff is "like Burning Red with Burn My Eyes production or The Blackening production."

‘Everybody kinda says the same thing nowadays: really heavy, it’s really melodic… and it is! It’s really heavy, but it’s really melodic, but it’s definitely more melodic. It really reminds me of ‘The Burning Red‘. It’s definitely got a ‘Burning Red‘ vibe to it, and I think that’s cool.

It’s like ‘Burning Red‘ with ‘Burn My Eyes‘ production or ‘The Blackening‘ production, but musically, it’s definitely more in that kind of [area.] Lot of groove, you know a lot of that kind of death whisper voice I do like at the beginning of ‘Desire To Fire‘ or the beginning of ‘Nothing Left‘… And it’s cool, it’s a cool record man, it’s a really diverse record. It’s got a lot of stuff to choose from.

Interesting he chose those albums as a comparison, considering Burn My Eyes was the band's 1994 debut, The Burning Red was out in 1999, and The Blackening came out in 2007. So I guess it's safe to say that Catharsis is going to be pretty career-spanning?


[via The PRP]

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