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There were just too many songs at first.
He takes an interesting stance on one A Perfect Circle record, too.
"It was atmospheric and mellow and ethereal… I don't even know how to I don't even know how to describe it."
"For forty years, Rush included Neil, and I don’t think putting some new version together would have the same magic."
Gojira is a good band to be influenced by.
Tim Montana talks about his songwriting influences ranging from Guns N' Roses to Nirvana, and how they helped lead him to write his debut...
One to be found on the radio if there ever was one.
"He wrote back saying: 'Hahaha. Hey, it's just three shows.' I replied: 'Yeah, we'll see.'"
You probably saw bootleg footage prior to this.
Chino Moreno is wrapping up vocals.
Plus releases from Sebastian Bach, Bossk, God Mother, Like Moths to Flames, Annette Olzon, and Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats
We wish Thompson's friends and family all the best at this time.