Hi, what are you looking for?
It's just, y'know.... the delivery was funny.
"Plaintiffs' entire narrative that UMG tried to conceal royalties is a fiction."
John Otto, taking you to the Matthews Bridge very soon.
"At the end of the day, Still Sucks feels like a precursor of something better to come."
Frankfurt fans, clearly ready to step in.
The three-part series will be available on August 3.
"My doctor has decided to send me a letter telling me, he would not like me to tour at this time, and to stay...
Right after the release of Three Dollar Bill, Y'all$.
This is way more fun than it should be.
More Bizkit insanity.
And the kid crushes it, too.
Another fan with a red Yankee cap.
The kid looks like he's having the best time.