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Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs
Photo by Ania Shrimpton

Music Videos

PIGS PIGS PIGS PIGS PIGS PIGS PIGS Streams Super Fuzzy New Single "Mr. Medicine"

Lotta pigs.

UK purveyors of riffs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs is back with a new single "Mr. Medicine" and a new record Land Of Sleeper due out February 17. If you're looking for an acid-soaked trip through the cosmos, then you really need this band and single in your life… I mean, even if you're not looking for that, you should still get into 'em.

"When I first heard the track, I immediately felt a kind of forward motion, like being pushed forward by an unknown force in a nightmare, toward an unknown thing/place, floating but with no control. Scary but fun…" said artist and video creator Wilm Danby. "On repeated listens, it became sort of a mantra with riffs, about transcending fear through some kind of ritual or rite of passage. I wanted to make that ritual happen, to see what it could look like, and if it would work!"

"['Mr. Medicine' is] song written to be a sonic arrow, purposefully succinct with no fat and no detours," writes guitarist and producer Sam Grant.

"Music is a powerful medicine and it should be consumed daily for mental wellbeing. Mr Medicine's faithful and highly regarded colleague is Doctor Gig, who we also have on speed dial," added vocalist and lyrics Matt Baty explains. "Lyrically I suppose the sentiment is not too dissimilar to Sister Sledge 'Lost In Music,' only galvanized by heavy, heavy doses of distortion and really big drum fills."

Pre-orders for Land Of Sleeper are available here.

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