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VITRIOL Streams "The Flowers Of Sadism", Announces New Album

Absolute brutality.

Vitrol is back with an absolutely crusher of a new single "The Flowers Of Sadism" and a new record Suffer & Become due out January 26. The video for "The Flowers Of Sadism" was created by Vile Luxe Entertainment, while the music is the aural equivalent of getting stabbed to death. Probably – I personally have never been stabbed to death.

"'Flowers' explores the topic of early developmental trauma and the resulting emotional alchemy that can lead to the development of sadistic impulses," said Vitrol guitarist and vocalist Kyle Rasmussen.

"While not being an ideal strategy in the presence of healthier alternatives, embracing my more vicious instincts was the key to my psychological and emotional survival at a time when my environment was both hostile and inescapable. It marks the beginning of a complicated journey of seduction by the necessary evils adopted in the pursuit of that survival."

Pre-orders for Suffer & Become are available here. Suffer & Become was produced by Rasmussen and mixed by Dave Otero (Archspire, Cattle Decapitation). On the record and its relationship to Vitrol's 2019 record To Bathe From The Throat Of Cowardice, Rasmussen said: "Living in the world of that first album was very difficult for me. It's not a nice place. It was very intentionally imbalanced in the same way a horror film is imbalanced. I wanted a healthier world for me to live in, and I believe I achieved that."

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"It was the straw upon the camel's back of a long and difficult working relationship with myself (Kyle)."