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Moonic Productions_Mashups

Mashups & Covers

What If PANTERA Wrote KISS's "I Was Made For Loving You"?

Walk on home, Gene Simmons.

By now, you're probably sick of reading me rave on about videos from Moonic Productions—but dudes, I just can't help it. His videos makes me laugh every week and, with each clip, you get a glimpse of his sense of humor in addition to his musical sensibility. His latest "what if X covered Y" experiment delivers the goods, as one would expect: What if Pantera covered Kiss's "I Was Made For Loving You"?

The Dimebag-modeled soloing is absolutely down pat, and the offensive groove of the Vinnie Paul/Rex Brown rhythm section is a hot machine that's runnin' and gunnin' in this clip. But that's only a teaser for what may be Moonic's most genius musical stroke to date: a bellowing "NO WAY, PUNK!" just for good measure towards the end of the break. It's some really funny shit, and it also further proves my theory that just 90 seconds of something done stylistically polar to the original can attract even the mildest of interest, even from the most trained listener. It also helps slightly that Moonic looks a little bit like Phil Anselmo.

All considered, I wanna remind you that, if you're into these covers and stylistic remakes like we are, below are a few of our favorites, if you'd like to check them out!

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