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FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH Announce New Album For 2018, Settle Lawsuit With Their Label

"The band is very proud of the new record and looks forward to releasing it and playing for its fans."

"The band is very proud of the new record and looks forward to releasing it and playing for its fans."

Five Finger Death Punch was sued by its label Prospect Park back in April 2016 as the label claimed the band was pushing out a sub-par album, for breach of contract, and accused the band of trying to cash in before frontman Ivan Moody completely collapsed into addiction. The band then signed to Rise Records before its contract was up and countersued Prospect Park for $1 million in damages. Five Finger Death Punch essentially said Prospect Park was holding the album hostage.

More recently, the band called the lawsuit filed against them "desperate" and the band's producer backed their claims. Now according to a statement issued by Five Finger Death Punch to Variety, the lawsuit has been settled, there will be a "Greatest Hits" album out in December presumably on Rise, and the long-awaited new album will be released at some point in 2018.

The band Five Finger Death Punch and its label, Prospect Park, have resolved their dispute and differences. The band and the label are excited to announce the release of a greatest hits album with two new songs in December 2017 and the release of a new record next year. The band is very proud of the new record and looks forward to releasing it and playing for its fans.

So things seem to be pretty good in the world of Five Finger Death Punch right now. Ivan Moody is back as the frontman and seems to be dealing with addiction problems well at the moment, and the new album is finally on the horizon. Which also ties in with Moody's issues, considering he said the lawsuit was putting a lot of stress on himself and the band.

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