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Max Cavalera Says A New, "Tribal" SOULFLY Album Is Coming In 2018

"[I want to] return a little bit more to some of the tribal sounds that I explored in an earlier phase of Soulfly."

"[I want to] return a little bit more to some of the tribal sounds that I explored in an earlier phase of Soulfly."

It'll be three years since Archangel came out in 2018, though three years is the maximum you'll have to wait for a new Soulfly album. Frontman Max Cavalera says he's going to get down to business with the new album once the Nailbomb tour is over, though he plans to release in 2018 and Nuclear Blast is "very behind the record; they're really excited for the new Soulfly record." Cavalera also tells Rock Talk With Mitch Lafon that he's going to go back to the early tribal sounds of Soulfly.

Oh, and yes – there's something coming for the 20th anniversary of the 1998 album Soulfly.

I already kind of know what I wanna do with the record, which is kind of return a little bit more to some of the tribal sounds that I explored in an earlier phase of Soulfly; I wanna maybe return to some of those. Some of [it] will be a continuation of what I did on Archangel, which a lot of people really like Archangel a lot, so I'm gonna continue some of that kind of stuff. But it will be a really exciting year, because we'll have a new album in a year that commemorates twentieth year of our first record. So all that together should be really cool. So it's gonna be a year of new music and touring, so it should be a lot of fun and I should be pretty busy throughout the whole year.

Don't forget to check out our extended interview with Cavalera recently, which covers everything from Soulfly to Killer Be Killed and a ton more!

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"It's also influenced by other stuff I'm listening to at the moment, like Kublai Khan and Jesus Piece and Knocked Loose, Judiciary."