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OLD MAN GLOOM Vows To Continue On After Bassist Caleb Scofield's Passing

R.I.P. Caleb…

R.I.P. Caleb...

Caleb Scofield, best known for his role as bassist in bands like Cave InZozobra, and Old Man Gloomtragically passed away at 39 after being involved in an accident along the highway in Bedford, New Hampshire. Old Man Gloom and Zozobra teamed up with their label Hydra Head Industries to release some merchandise to help out Scofield's family, but understandably none of his bands have yet spoken out on what their futures are.

Cave In appears to have reunited recently so no word on that yet, Zozobra was primarily Scofield's project, and Old Man Gloom has now vowed they'll carry on in memory of Scofield. In a statement made by drummer Santos Montano, he and guitarists/vocalists Nate Newton and Aaron Turner recently spoke under unfortunate circumstances and decided to keep the band going.

It’s been beautiful, heart warming, heart wrenching, horrible, and uplifting to see the outpouring of love coming in from all over the planet.

This has been the toughest week that many of us have ever had to live through, and without the support of all the other people who are feeling the void left by our friend, we would have been truly lost. I was held up, physically and emotionally by someone I hadn’t seen in 15 years during the memorial. I gave hugs to people I hadn’t seen in decades, and felt true love in every single one without having to share a single word, and a few times, I didn’t, I just walked away, and it was understood that speaking wasn’t necessary. I’ve read sweet sincere words from a hundred and fifty strangers, and only one or two dudes being assholes. I watched the fund climb and climb and climb, even today, almost entirely from people who didn’t know Caleb, but truly loved him and felt they wanted to repay that love by supporting his family.

That’s incredible.

I am taking genuine comfort from how beautiful our community is. I’ve said it many times, and will continue to say it, thank you to everyone, you all have acted with love, dignity, and respect during this time. I’m so grateful.

One last thing.

In a quiet moment, in a very loud room filled with more people than I could count, Aaron and I were sitting across from one another, totally drained, zombiefied, just looking at each other. He leaned towards me, and I leaned towards him. He quietly said “Santos, do you still want to do Old Man Gloom?”

My stomach dropped, and I responded “we have to now. We don’t have a choice.” We spoke to Nate and he agreed. I don’t know what it means, or how it will manifest itself, but we will continue and do our best to honor Caleb, and that means we must exist.

I share this very private moment because I truly feel after this week you are all a part of our story so much more than I ever realized. Thank you for showing us that. We love you all.

I promise I’ll get back to being a shithead soon. I don’t know when, but eventually. Things are just different now. They’ll be different forever. That being said, I’m a shithead at my core, so you know, it’ll start creeping out soon enough.


We wish the band all the best in their future endeavors.


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