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Dave Grohl Pranks Fans As FOO FIGHTERS Return to Venue Where He Injured His Leg

Oh, Dave Grohl – you prankster!

Oh, Dave Grohl – you prankster!

Dave Grohl is a kidder. He suffered a very serious fall in 2015 and broke his leg. It happened at Ullevi Stadium in Gotheburg, Sweden.

Here's a refresher, if you somehow missed it:


Three years later, the Foos returned to the venue and Dave thought he'd have a little fun. Dave hired a stunt double to come out with the rest of the band at the top of their set. The stunt double proceeded to fall off the stage, mimicking Dave's actions three years ago. Dave then appeared from backstage to the bemusement of the crowd.

Well, bemusement might be a bit too strong. It all happened so fast, I'm not quite sure the fans really understood what was happening. Here's the video:

Dave will go to great lengths to pull of a prank. But nothing could ever top him pranking the Westboro Baptist Church.

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