Five Finger Death Punch went through a pretty tumultuous past year, though a lot of the troubles stemmed from frontman Ivan Moody's non-sobriety. Moody now tells WEBN in the interview below that he's seven months clean, and the reason he had trouble with it in the past is because "I wasn’t being honest with myself at the time."
Moody also thanks members of Judas Priest, Korn and Hatebreed for helping him stay clean.
“Rob Halford [Judas Priest] is the person that I called a lot of the time when I was in recovery. I think he’s been sober now for going on 40 years — maybe, I think, a little longer than that; I could be wrong. But Jamey Jasta [Hatebreed] — another one. Jamey‘s been sober now for 18 years; Jonathan Davis [Korn]; so on and so forth. So these were all people that I looked to when I was struggling, and I was very, very lucky and blessed to have them on my team.”
I personally wish Ivan Moody all the best with his clean and sober lifestyle. Stay strong!
For those unaware, back in June 2017, Five Finger Death Punch frontman Ivan Moody quit the band on stage in the Netherlands. This wasn't the first time he quit the band that year so people weren't really sure what the deal was. Then it was announced Moody would be sitting out the band's European tour to attend rehab and some inner turmoil within the Five Finger Death Punch camp boiled to the surface. Moody has since publicly addressed the issue.
[via The PRP]