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DEVIN TOWNSEND Shares Original, Gross Ziltoid TV Tests

DEVIN TOWNSEND Shares Original, Gross Ziltoid TV Tests

Gross indeed.

Devin Townsend is continuing on with his Quarantine Project by giving fans new music and generally unseen and unheard material. Townsend originally dropped a new song called "Quarantine" and has now revealed the original TV tests for Ziltoid TV. He said the tests were ultimately deemed way too gross but he's still glad he shared it.

Ok, so this was the original version of ZTV we had done for the Z2 album cycle, but it was deemed ‘too gross’ by a mess of people (specifically those closest to me =) But it was fun as shit, and Im glad to have found it again. =) This puppet was made by Violet Casselden, The editing was done by Mike StJean with some other folks Im afraid I cant remember the names of, Dave Young and myself controlled the puppet (I was the face, Dave was the arms) Roger Mowatt controlled the eyes, and Bill Courage did the voiceovers.

I love doing this sort of thing. Its a lot of work, but so cathartic. Sorry about the juvenile humor, I think stuff like this is funny. I dont mean to offend, Im just a child I guess.

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