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The OSBOURNES Are Practicing Social Distancing And You Should Too

Stay in your damn house!

The Osbournes

The Osbourne family, like any rational and sane person at this point, is practicing social distancing to help quell the COVID-19 outbreak. As of right now, COVID-19 has infected at least 561,900 people worldwide that we know about and has killed 26,161. So please take this seriously and stay in your damn house (and wash your damn hands, stop touching your damn face, etc.).

Today was the first time I got to see my parents in almost 3 weeks!!! Even though i did not get to hug them…. at this point I will take what I can get. They are doing well and are save and sound for now. Thank you so much for your continued well wishes love and support. We will get through this together. I love you all ? stay safe.

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