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OZZY OSBOURNE Will Tour In 2022, According to Sharon Osbourne

The whole tour is rebooked.

ozzy osbourne 2020

Ozzy Osbourne was supposed to be retired from touring by now, with his No More Tours 2 tour originally scheduled for late 2018 and 2019, but some nagging health issues kept Ozzy off the road. In a new interview, Sharon Osbourne confirms that Ozzy will be back on the road in 2022.

Sharon and Ozzy are the guests on this weekend's Planet Rock Radio in the UK, promoting The Prince’s Trust. The station has revealed some excerpts from the pre-recorded interview. During the interview, Sharon made it no secret that Ozzy's planned final tour has been rescheduled already.

“Ozzy’s tour has been rebooked,” Sharon said. “The British tour, he'll be back in (20)22. You know, we just carry on as normal. We've been doing loads of TV shows here and you've got to just keep going until Ozzy can go back live. He’s in the studio right now doing a new album!"

The context of the quote came as they discussed live concerts returning in general, once the vaccine is available. Ozzy noted. “When they do get the vaccine and people do start going (to gigs), can you imagine how many tours are going to be out at once?!”

When Planet Rock noted that promoters will be scrambling for venues, as everybody will be booking tours, Sharon chimed in “Well that’s the thing right now. No, honestly, you got it right because everybody's booking their tours again for like 2022, and to find availabilities right now, it's crazy!

“Agents and facilities are going nuts, trying to get everybody back. It will be exciting. I think it will be a very exciting time when bands do go back and it'll be joyous.”

Ozzy's health was also a topic of conversation, and the Prince of Darkness noted he's feeling great. “I’m having physiotherapy five days a week, I’m slowly but surely getting… ask Sharon, she can say how I’m doing better than I can.”

Sharon chimed in and made it clear, Ozzy will be back on stage. “For Ozzy when everybody had to go in lockdown, it kind of set him back because he couldn’t do his physiotherapy. He had nearly five months of no physio and in those five months I think all he and I did was lie on the couch, watch TV and eat.

“It kind of set him back but he’s back to where he was before the pandemic. Since he's been back working with the physio and every day I see an improvement, but it's hard for Ozzy because you don't see yourself as you really are. He's getting there, he is. He will be back and be on that stage!”

Everybody here at Metal Injection hopes nothing but the best for Ozzy, and we hope Ozzy does return to the stage again once it's safe to do so.

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