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Prosecution Rejects Randy Blythe's Bail; Still Detained After Two Weeks

With all the interviews given last week by Lamb of God manager Larry Mazer, we were under the assumption that Randy Blythe could be freed by this morning. The Lamb of God frontman has been detained in Pankrác Prison in Prague for nearly two days, and is being charged with "bodily harm of the fourth degree, resulting in the death of a fan" which could face a ten year sentence.

The band posted bail last Monday, and according to Czech law, the prosecution had three work days to investigate and appeal the bail if desired. Seeing as though last Thursday and Friday were national holidays in the Czech Republic, today would've been the soonest Randy would be let go.

But, that didn't happen. 

The prosecution, speaking via spokesperson  Štepánka Zenklová confirmed today that a complaint was delivered last Friday, July 6th which appealed the bail, worrying that Randy might be a flight risk if released. Another bail hearing will be scheduled.

This is days after video has surfaced showing that Randy had little, if anything to do with harming the fan, who's injuries sustained from stage diving and hitting his head, ended fatally a few weeks later. Randy is being held with no evidence proving his guilt.

Yesterday (Sunday, June 8th), a vigil was held in Blythe's hometown of Richmond, VA where over 100 fans attended in support of Blythe along with friends and family. You can read a report on the vigil and see some photos here.

Meanwhile, the band has seen some backlash over opening a PayPal account where fans could donate to the Blythe legal fund. The band wanted to clarify that it isn't looking to screw it's fans, merely giving those who have expressed to them the desire to help an outlet to do so. Here is the full statement from Willie Adler:

 “We are by no means requesting charity, nor are we demanding money from our fans. We have received dozens upon dozens of requests from supporters wanting to help in any way possible. This was a direct response to that, in order to give fans a voice in all of this – if they choose to do so.”

As they have mentioned previously, 100% of the money will be going to Randy's defense, and if all of it isn't used up, the rest will be donated to charity.

That's all the information we have right now, but again, as soon as we hear more on this developing story we will report on it. For now, here's GWAR frontman Dave Brockie, aka Oderus Urungus, going off on local Richmond television about the absurdity of this situation:

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