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LAMB OF GOD Frontman Granted Visit From His Wife; Czech Reporter States Video Evidence May Not Be Of Victim

Lamb of God frontman Randy Blythe has been detained in a Czech prison for over two weeks now. He is facing manslaughter charges in connection with the death of a fan at a Prague LOG show, more than two years ago.  While it's a hard pill to swallow for many Lamb of God fans, I can't even imagine the heartache experienced by Blythe's close family.

Yesterday, Blythe's wife Cindy was granted permission to see her husband for a few hours, while he was being detained. Czech reporters were on the scene and were able to get a comment from her as she was exiting:

I tried to embed the video, but it didn't work. You can watch it here. Here is the quote she gave to reporters in the video:

"It was really good to see him, I miss him very much and I really hope I get to see him soon, and that we'll be together again soon. So this was a special day, getting to see him."

She added, "I think it's terrible what happened — that the kid lost his life and his family lost him — but I believe [Randy] is innocent. That's what I believe."

It's touching to see that the court allowed the two to have some time together, in what must undoubtably be a rough time for both Blythes.

Meanwhile, we have more insight as to what the hell is actually going on with the case thanks to a report filed with Richmond, VA CBS affiliate WTVR, who interviewed Czech reporter Jonathan Crane. Here are some choice quotes from Crane:

What's interesting about Crane's comments, is him stating that the video evidence that surfaced last week is allegedly a different person according to a friend of the fan who passed away at the show, and that there is another instance where the friend claims that Blythe was getting really violent with the fan, Daniel N., which was not captured on video.

Crane also states something we've known for a while, there are quite a few conflicting reports coming out, and lots of confusion which may be why the case is still pending.

With the prosecution denying Randy's bail on Monday, here are the next steps: the City Court can either meet the complaint and annul the bail or it can approve the release on bail, and then the Prague attorney would comment on it again.

According to Blabbermouth, it's not clear as to whether there will be another hearing, or if the judgment will be made independently. Crane, the Prague reporter mentioned above was quoted as saying there is no definitive timeline, that "it could be days, it could even be weeks. Our legal experts said that sometimes these things could take up to months." Crane also mentioned that a reason for all this confusion is that authorities refuse to cooperate with the press and release any sort of information.

Blythe's US attorney is in the Czech Republic and will remain there until Saturday.

As we've said, when there is any more information on the matter, we will report it.

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