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The Mendenhall Experiment

Music Videos


Groovy as hell.

The Mendenhall Experiment is now streaming their new single "Pulse Of The Lost." The single features Suicide Silence guitarist Chris Garza and serves as the introduction of the project's new vocalist Alyce Hayes.

"'Pulse Of The Lost' to me is a musical representation of how society can repress into a state of darkness, and your personal choice to either live and die there or band together with those around you and rise out of it with a positive mindset," said project mastermind Brandon Mendenhall.

""The lyrics in 'Pulse of the Lost' are a rally cry for individuality," added Hayes. "We don't need to fit into some special 'box' of identity, and this song is a big middle finger to the people who try to do this to us. The addition of Chris Garza on guitar added a beautiful, disturbing presence that I didn't even know the song needed. It really took the music to another level."

"Once I heard the song it felt right," said Garza of his contributions. "I ended up flying to Vegas and tracked guitars in-person with no sleep. When the time came, I drove to LA for the video shoot and injured my back but I loved the song so it was all worth it. Me and Brandon have been close friends for many years. He has the passion and obsession for music that made me stoked to be a part of this song."

The Mendenhall Experiment was formed by Brandon Mendenhall, whose Cerebral Palsy only allows him limited movement on his left side with zero mobility with his left hand. The project will release their new EP Against All Odds this fall.

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