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PROTEST THE HERO To License New Crowd-Funded Record To Several Record Labels

Hey, remember when Protest the Hero raised a little over $341,000 for their new record earlier this year and set the precedent for bands turning to crowd funding? Well we've got a little more information on the record in question!

So now with Chris Adler of Lamb of God safely on board for the new record on drums, and all the music completed for the record, the band give us all a little info about the release and what's going on for distribution. The band has this to say about the whole thing:

Our successful crowd funding campaign allowed us a new level of both artistic and business minded freedom. We had the pleasure of recording an album with budgets and deadlines created only by ourselves and we think the project benefited the world over because of that. We can’t thank our dedicated contributors enough for putting us in the driver seat. It has been an arduous process because we have had to create two completely different packages for this album. One will be the exclusive release which will only go to people who contributed to our campaign.

The other is going to be the more standard release which we hope everyone will see on record store shelves (and digitally, of course). We realized pretty quickly after recording that we were going to need some help with the distribution of the traditional release. We knew we wanted our album to be available around the world in as many formats as possible. With this in mind, and with our new found sense of control we have teamed up with some new pals. All of which are completely on board with our non-traditional view moving forward.

No advances, no multi-record deals, no hidden agendas. We hope you are able to get your hands on at least one of these versions of our new album, regardless of where you are in the world. It’s scary, but wonderful to say…this album absolutely would not have been possible without the generosity and support of those who contributed to the making of our new album. We will forever be in your debt!

Sony Music will be releasing the album in Canada, Razor and Tie will be handling the duty in the United States, and Spinefarm has got the rest of the world.

Some people's feathers might be ruffled by the fact that the band is working with a label after successfully crowdfunding the record, but they are forgetting that the band never said they would release the album on their own. The crowdfunding was simply to pay for THE RECORDING of the music, so that the band could have ultimate creative control in their output. Once the record was done, it still needs to be properly promoted, and put onto store shelves and it's much easier for an established record label to do that than a bunch of dudes in a band from Canada.

With all that out of the way, who's ready for some artwork, album title, and single?

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