Power Trip vocalist Riley Gale passed away in 2020 and aside from a live album, the band has remained largely silent. Power Trip guitarist Blake Ibanez went on to form Fugitive, while drummer Chris Ulsh has been busy with bands like Innumerable Forms and Devil Master.
So what are the chances that the world gets a post-Gale version of Power Trip? According to Ibanez in an interview with Buddy Magazine, it's not entirely out of the question. But it's also not something that anyone in Power Trip is in any rush to do unless it's a good fit.
"For Power Trip to reform without Riley, it would take the right person being brought into the fold to make Power Trip something new," said Ibanez. "But not too new because we've got a lot of pride. We wouldn't do anything that was inauthentic or cheap just to get back out there. I don't think we would ever do that.
"The time could come, but for now, I'm not sure. I'd love for that music to see the light of day again, and it would be awesome to play the songs again because Power Trip has a place in a lot of people's hearts. So, I'm optimistic that one day it'll happen, but I don't know when that will be. For now, I'm happy with what we were able to do, and that's never going to change because the songs and the fans still exist even though Riley is gone."
Gale is arguably one of the most iconic metal vocalists of this millennium. So finding someone that could not only do his material justice live, but carrying on Power Trip in a new and interesting way, is obviously gonna be hard if it even happens at all. Fortunately there's plenty of Power Trip to listen to in the meantime.