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THREAT SIGNAL Guitarist Suffers "Something Very Similar To A Heart Attack" [UPDATED]

On Sunday November 17, Threat Signal guitarist Travis Montgomery suffered "something very similar to a heart attack" according to the band. The details are scarce but we wish him well!

The band issued the following statement on Facebook around noon on Sunday, November 17:

To all those who have been wondering, Travis Montgomery has suffered something very similar to a heart attack.

Right now our number 1 concern is recovery.

Thank you so much to everyone for your support!


There is no other information on the band's page, the comment section, and nothing on Montgomery's page. Lambgoat reports Montgomery was in the hospital when it occurred, which would make the situation at least a little bit better. Also, the fact that Threat Signal's post makes it seem like Montgomery isn't in critical condition given their recovery comment makes me a little more optimistic as well. I hope I'm not reading too deep into that. We wish him all the best health and a quick recovery!

UPDATE: Travis Montgomery reached out to us personally and gave us this clarification of what happened:

"I didn't have an actual heart attack. What actually happened was myocarditis. It's an inflammation of the heart, and the tissue around the heart. There's a lot of the same symptoms as a heart attack, and apparently it feels just like one. The difference though, is that this was caused by a virus.

From all of the testing and things they've done, it looks like my heart is pretty damaged at the moment. It's working at about 35% of what it should be for someone my age. That can be fixed over time though. I just need rest, to stay on a healthy diet, and to take my meds. I'll have to be on blood pressure medicine, and make sure to keep track of my heart rate and blood pressure a few times a day for probably the next year. They told me today that the average recovery time for someone that's gone through what I have is about 9-12 months.

This did happen when I was outside of the hospital. I'm visiting my family in Texas, and it happened while I was just hanging out at the house. My brother and cousin rushed me to the hospital here when I started having the symptoms (pain in chest, hard time breathing, pain in arms, etc.). They ran an EKG and it came back with symptoms for a heart attack, so I was air lifted to Medical Plaza in Ft. Worth, and they took care of everything else there. "

Wow, sounds like Travis is lucky to be alive. We hope you continue to properly take care of yourself and get that heart back into shape.

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