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It's Just Business

New 60 Minutes Poll Says Radio Is How Most People Consume Music

I call bullshit!

I call bullshit!

A new poll by 60 Minutes shows that almost half of the 1,017 adults nationwide that were polled get their music from the radio. It made me do a double take and then I thought…wait a minute, 60 Minutes is for olds!

Maybe it's because I live in NYC where we have no major rock station, and mostly have pop and hip hop stations but I never listen to the radio. I will put on SiriusXM occassionaly, but otherwise I am my own DJ. I am using either Spotify or iTunes.

There was no information on what parts of the country were polled or the average age of the submitter, so I thought we could conduct our own informal Metal Injection poll. Please take a moment to vote below, I'm curious about the outcome:

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