Lamb Of God is 31 years deep and 11 albums (this is all counting Burn The Priest) into their career. Vocalist Randy Blythe is gonna be 54 years old this year. And while Lamb Of God doesn't show any signs of slowing down at any point soon, Blythe recently acknowledged in an interview with Full Metal Jackie that the band has at least discussed their end.
In the interview promoting Blythe's upcoming book Just Beyond The Light: Making Peace With The Wars Inside Our Head, Blythe said he doesn't see the band ever truly breaking up, but acknowledges that there will certainly come a time at which it doesn't make sense for them to carry on.
"They don't really compare. Writing books is, at least in my case, much, much harder and so far, much less financially lucrative than being in a band. At least being in my band, I'm a glorified traveling black T shirt salesman with Lamb Of God. We get paid to travel, not to make music, really. But that's not really the case with writers most of the time.
"So with me, my first true love wasn't music, it was reading. When I was a little kid our television exploded during a lightning storm, a power surge and a lightning storm. And my dad decided he want my brother, he wanted my brothers and I to experience childhood without TV for a little bit. And we groaned about that. But I'm very grateful in retrospect for his decision because without TV, as a young child, I fell deeply, deeply in love with books and always have been.
"I used to have a drinking problem. Now I have a book problem. I have way too many books. I've always loved them. I love what they do. I love how they are in a way, they're time travel because I can read something by Shakespeare 500 years ago or Marcus Aurelius from 2000 years ago and I'm right there with that person. It's really time travel achieved.
"So it's something I've always wanted to do and it's something that I can do till the day I die. Lamb Of God never has to break up. I don't think we ever will. We've talked about it. We don't ever have to breakup officially. But I don't know if at like 85 I'm going to be capable of running around onstage and whipping up mosh pits. I just don't. It's a very energetic performance you put on. I can't see it. Nobody wants to see 85."
Speaking of Just Beyond The Light: Making Peace With The Wars Inside Our Head, Blythe will hit the road this February and March for a Q&A and storytelling tour around the release of the book. Get those dates below and pre-order the book here.
2/19 Philadelphia, PA Underground Arts
2/21 Harrisonburg, VA The Golden Pony
2/23 Somerville, MA Arts at the Armory
2/25 Montreal, QC Théâtre Fairmount
2/26 Toronto, ON Red Room at The Concert Hall
2/28 Lansing, MI Grewal Hall at 224
3/1 Joliet, IL The Forge
3/3 Nashville, TN The Basement East
3/4 Dallas, TX Granada Theater
3/5 Austin, TX Parish
3/7 Denver, CO Meow Wolf
3/9 Seattle, WA El Corazon
3/12 San Francisco, CA The Independent
3/13 Los Angeles, CA El Rey Theatre
3/14 San Diego, CA House of Blues