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The New SCAR SYMMETRY Single Sounds Like Their Late 2000's Material

Coming from a huge fan.

Coming from a huge fan.

Let's immediately address the elephant in the room- ever since Christian Älvestam left Scar Symmetry in 2008, the band's fan base became very divided. Some loved the direction of 2009's Dark Matter Dimensions and 2011's The Unseen Empire, while others pegged the group as "Death Jovi" among other derogatory terms condemning their catchier sound.

Three years later, and down original guitarist and song writer Jonas Kjellgren, the group will be releasing The Singularity, Phase One: Neohumanity on October 14 via Nuclear Blast. Fans who are in the Älvestam purist camp have checked out long ago, but those who stuck around are in for what very well could be one of the group's best records to date. Check out "Cryonic Harvest" below and judge for yourself.


I wasn't entirely sold on the first single from the record, but "Cryonic Harvest" reminds me exactly why I love this group so much. Be it technical riffs, monstrous choruses or a full band shredfest, everything seems planned right down to the even the briefest note and has this unforgettable quality to it that writes "We are Scar Symmetry" in the sonic signature. I'm of the impression the group has never put out a bad record and the upcoming one not only appears to solidify that belief, but might even put the band back into the hearts of those who haven't been fans for a while.

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'The Singularity (Phase II − Xenotaph)' doesn’t match Neohumanity’s freshness, unity, and variety, but’s far from a major letdown.