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Is BOTCH Hinting At A Reunion?

No more botching the Botch reunion.

No more botching the Botch reunion.

For those unfamiliar with Botch,Ā here.Ā Here's a quick catch up:

Botch was simply an awesome band that existed from 1993 to 2002. They hadĀ full length records, those being 1998's American Nervoso and 1999's We Are the Romans, an EP in 2002 titled An Anthony of Dead Ends and a bunch of 7" records and splits. They broke up in 2002 because of creative differences and the world wept. I'm pretty sure we wept, anyway.

Fast forward to December, 2014, where bassist Brian Cook (Russian Circles, ex-Botch, etc.) is giving an interview to Noisey. Naturally Botch comes up and Cook has a pretty interesting response that isn't "hell no."

"I have always said 'never,' but I have now been instructed by the other dudes in the band to stop saying that. It's funny because as opposed to These Arms are Snakes, Botch felt like total closure; we had our final run and it was a thing that we made a conscious decision to push. The other guys in the band felt like it ended too soon, which could be the case, I don't know.

Regardless, I won't say never anymore."

Instructed not to say never anymore, huh? Could it be that the band's former members are collectively planning something? This isn't even a far stretch here- he makes it a point to say he's said no but the other dudes say otherwise. The other thing this could be implying is that Cook won't be involved in the hypothetical Botch reunion. I guess we'll see!

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