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SSS's Foxy: Have Convictions and Live by Them

SSS, or "Short Sharp Shock" is one of the more prominent thrash/crossover bands operating today. While it seems to have been lost on many of their peers, SSS keeps the raw spirit of punk rock alive through their loud, fast and abrasive style.

I took a moment to ask the band's vocalist, Foxy, a few questions about the new album, Limp.Gasp.Collapse. He also gave a strong endorsement of Violent Reaction, one which I definitely second.

Metal Injection: Hey Foxy, congrats on the new record! I was a big fan of Problems to the ANSWER back in 2011 and an really excited to hear what you have in store in 2014! What were you trying to accomplish with Limp.Gasp.Collapse?

Foxy: Simply to progress both as a band musically and lyrically through self education explore subject matters of concern. A personnel change happened in 2010 which meant new heaviness and groove got injected into the band. Had to capitalize on this and the writing/ideas came relatively easy as a consequence. Upping  the track number from Problems  would of bored ourselves and the listener. Less is more this time around

Apparently one of the tracks features Jeff Walker of Carcass, how did that come about? How was it to work with Jeff?

I've known Jeff since the early Carcass outings/Planet X club in Liverpool in the late 80s.
We wanted another voice on the record that was completely different to make both stand out.  It was a simple case of askin' Jeff and getting an answer back, that answer being yes. Job done.

It's good to hear a band like yours keeping punk and hardcore punk alive in some shape or form, what do you think keeps the spirit going after so many years? 

Have convictions and live by them, then you will have axes to grind and something real to write about. The key is not wearing a suit on weekdays and a jumper at the weekend.
Once you assimilate, it's game over.

Are there any touring plans for the United States this year or early next year? It'd be great to see you guys in action.

Always wanted to get over. but as per…plans get foiled one way or another.

Are there other punk/hardcore/crossover acts in the UK you could recommend to our readers?

Used to have my finger on the pulse, but not anymore. I couldn't tell you what is good anymore. In fact Violent Reaction is the only thing worth a mention. A one man band in the truest sense, Tom played everything on the demo/7"/LP. Had to get out of Liverpool to find a band. That speaks volumes. (VR are the only non-US band to be signed to Revelation Records).


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