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Tennessee Mother Outraged Over Satanic School Bus

Is Satan driving your kids to school? More at 11.

Is Satan driving your kids to school? More at 11.

In Cordova, TN, a woman was driving behind a school bus when she noticed that the brake lights look like pentagrams. Like any sane rational person would do, she had to start a shitstorm over it, because that's what Jesus would want or something like that. The woman, who asked not to be identified due to death threats, said this in an interview with Fox 40 News:

“Anyone who fears a God, if not God and Jesus Christ, should be outraged … If you can’t put a cross on there, you can’t put a pentagram on it."

I'm sure this wasn't an intentional thing by the bus company. There are only so many ways you can configure those tiny lights in there and this was probably the one that makes the most sense. The woman also references the case from last year where national store brand Walgreen's had to take down some wrapping paper because it looked like swastikas.

“Would we allow a swastika, for instance, to be on the back of the bus?”

So we're only allowed to have crosses on busses because Jesus and stuff! Religious equality! This whole thing is ridiculous.

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