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The Rockers were my absolute favorite tag team growing up. They were so cooled. You could even say they rocked! Did you know The Rockers once won the World Tag Team Titles in a match where the ropes broke, and it was so bad that the title change was never aired or acknowledged on television.

Anyway, the Rockers eventually broke up and Shawn Michaels went on to be a big star and Marty Jannety went on to be known the other Rocker. Not anymore! Now Marty can be known as the metalhead Rocker!

One of our favorite new bands, Black Crown Initiate recently found out that Marty is the step-father of their sound guy, so naturally they had to get him all swaged up and get him some metal music to jam. Marty had no problem flashing some (not quite) horns in their direction…

Very cool, Marty! Just do me a favor and stay away from barber shop windows, okay?


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