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HE IS LEGEND Is Trying to Crowd Fund $56,000 For A New Record

Whole lot of different costs associated with that number.

Whole lot of different costs associated with that number.

Crowd funding records seems to be a growing trend in metal and it's interesting to watch the whole thing play out. Bands like Protest The Hero and Good Tiger absolutely annihilated their goals in the past few years for new record crowd funding, while equally excellent groups like Cryptopsy came up a little short monetarily.

Next up in the long line of bands looking to have the fans chip in is He Is Legend. The band is seeking $56,000, which they break down into the following as far as what all the money goes toward.

  • Studio time/engineer – $12,000
  • Mixing – $1,500
  • Mastering – $500
  • Pitch Video – $6,400
  • Lodging – $6,000
  • Per Diem – $3,750
  • Band Salary – $10,000
  • Travel Expenses – $1,000
  • Pre-Production Equipment – $1,800
  • Artwork – $5,000
  • Equipment Maintenance – $1,500
  • Equipment Rental – $1,000
  • Auxiliary Musicians – $500
  • Total Recording Costs – $51,000
  • Indiegogo fee (4%) from $56,000 – $2,240
  • Paypal (5%) from $56,000 – $2,800
  • Net – $50, 960

I'll withhold my comments in lieu of everyone else's opinion on those figures, though on the basest level I do agree with crowd funding. If you're going to pre-order the record anyway, why not get some sweet perks to go along with it and have the money go directly to the band? Those interested can participate here.

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