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SKELETONWITCH To Perform New Songs With Its New, Permanent Singer On Its Upcoming Tour

Also, they have a new member! We dunno who it is though.

Also, they have a new member! We dunno who it is though.

Yesterday the upcoming Decibel Magazine Tour got announced, which consists of Abbath, High on Fire, Skeletonwitch and Tribulation ripping up North America in March and April! Though Skeletonwitch has some 'splaining to do, considering we have no idea who the hell is fronting the band.

The band had this to say on its Facebook, which only makes us that much more excited!

We are proud to announce that we will be a part of the mighty Decibel Magazinel Tour. They had us at ABBATH -Official-, then tripled the ante with High On Fire and Tribulation (Official)! All three artists are in my personal top tier of heavy music. Definitely going to have some embarrassing 'fan moments' on this one. Just ask Matt Pike – as an overly excited teenager, I punished him with a game of 20 Questions when I saw them on their first U.S. tour. (He still regrets giving me his phone number!)

New tunes, new singer, new tour, new chapter for SKELETONWITCH!

Great! So we'll be getting some new songs from the voice of… someone. Skeletonwitch is a fairly big name as well, so getting someone notable is just as likely as the band having someone they're close with filling in.

It's worth noting the band has had Andy Horn from Cannabis Corpse fill in previously.

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