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THE WORD ALIVE Singer Breaks Back, Fractures Ribs Stage Diving

Stop stage diving~!

Stop stage diving~!

Stage diving is much more dangerous than people give it credit for. A fan died last year at a Miss May I show and at a Suicidal Tendencies gig.

The Word Alive frontman Telle Smith, thankfully, did not suffer the same fate, but he did manage to fuck up his back and fracture his ribs at a gig last week in Pomona, CA:

He made it through the remaining dates and thankfully will not need surgery:

He posted an extended message on Instagram on the topic:

“I had heard stories of injuries from stage diving, but you never think it will happen to you until it does. I have a broken rib, a fractured rib and broke transverse process which is one of the protruding bones near the bottom of my spine.

Honestly the pain is pretty bad but knowing I could have hurt someone else like this sort of numbs that from a psychological standpoint. I think in the future I will just stick to going hard ON stage not off it.

So long as my CT scan shows no further damage today, I will be playing the remaining shows. No, I don’t have a death wish but the reality is I want my band and crew to come home with as much money for the holidays for their continuous hard work and if I can perform, I have always vowed I would.

Luckily we don’t have any shows scheduled until February where I can hopefully be at or near 100% I am thankful I can and will be able to walk, which is something I never thought about deeply until now. This whole thing has put so much into perspective and I’m just thankful I will be healthy again in a few months! It could always be worse!”

Does it look like Telle learned his lesson?


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