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NEUROSIS To Hit The Studio For A New Record Right Before 2016

Like, they're just gonna walk up to the building and punch it. Fuck studios.

Like, they're just gonna walk up to the building and punch it. Fuck studios.

Damn, has it really been four years already since Honor Found In Decay? Well I guess just under four considering it's not quite 2016 yet, but still! Neurosis has been moving at a pace on par with its music this millennium, but its output has been pretty consistently fantastic as well, so who cares.

That being said new Neurosis in 2016! The band will be hitting up Electrical Audio Studio with Steve Albini on December 27 to record a brand new record. If I had to take a stab at it, I'd venture to guess the album will be out maybe July-ish, depending on how long the band takes. Then there's the PR cycle and all that… but hey. New Neurosis in 2016 is all that matters.

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