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CROWBAR To Hit The Studio Mid-February

You're about to give all you had.

You're about to give all you had.

Crowbar's Symmetry In Black might be a little difficult to follow up, but Windstein and crew are more than capable of killing it on this new one! The band will hit up OCD Recording and Production in Metairie, LA, with Duane Simoneaux on February 17 to knock out some new tunes, according to Blabbermouth.

"The last album was kind of difficult, because Jeff [Golden, bass] was just coming in. He didn't know the back catalogue. We had a tour set up, so we we had to concentrate with him more [on] learning the setlist and rehearsing that. So in the middle of rehearsing the setlist to go on tour, as well as trying to write at the same time, really, four of the songs were kind of written in the studio. And we lucked out and they came out great, but it doesn't always work that way."

If Symmetry In Black was the band winging it, then I'm stoked to hear what a more well-thought out record will be! Especially coming from a band that's had a really solid career thus far, such as Crowbar has.

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