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TESTAMENT Announce Release Date for New Album, Brotherhood Of The Snake

Mixed by Andy Sneap!

Mixed by Andy Sneap!

Back in April 2015, we posted that the new Testament album might very well be delayed, after the band had said that things would have been moving along at that point. Then in February of this year we were told that the new album was being wrapped up for real this time and a new single was being readied.

Now, after much waiting, the band has finally announced that Brotherhood of the Snake is due out on October 28! The album will be the band's first with ex-Death bassist Steve DiGiorgio since 2001's First Strike Still Deadly (or 1999's The Gathering if you don't count the latter as an album), and second with drummer Gene Hoglan of Strapping Young Lad, Death, and Dethklok fame.

The album will be mixed by Andy Sneap, who has recently worked with bands like Despised Icon, Amon Amarth, Carcass, Exodus, and about a billion others. Guitarist Eric Peterson had some kind words regarding the record in an interview with Metal Maniacs (below).

"It's finished — recorded, done — and it's now on its way to Andy Sneap to get mixed. It came out really, really good. I'm really happy with it. It's very diverse, but it's very epic. There's nothing on there that breeds commercial. And I think for thirty years of recording music and trying different formulas and stuff, I think we've found a formula that is very metal. I think for the metal fan that is looking for something for the nook and crannies… not just your normal, 'Oh, it's got a thrash beat and a riff.' There's a lot going on here."

So now we wait… but we've been waiting four years, so what's a few more months?

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