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TOOL Is Grinding Away "Four Days A Week" On The Record, Have Potentially Big News

What's to believe anymore?

What's to believe anymore?

Hello, and welcome to this week's edition of "What The Fuck Is Tool Doing?" Last week we heard that Tool was releasing a double album called Decem, only for Maynard James Keenan to call the rumors dumb. This week's episode revolves around a longer story published on the band's website, written by webmaster Blair McKenzie Blake who spent a day with drummer Danny Carey.

While the whole story isn't exactly packed with news, there are two sections that prove interesting. The first section discusses the new album, which apparently the band is grinding away at.

However, the next day while having lunch at “Bootleggers” – a ‘Sinatra’s Way’ Italian restaurant on the Vegas south strip – I casually asked about the status of the new album (Namely, how the writing/arranging sessions were going?) – to which he replied, “Good!” While enjoying his “House Specialty” lasagna to the sounds of an excellent pianist (and master harpist, Mariano Gonzalez!), he added that they were very close to knocking out another tune, and that as soon as it was finished, they would send a recording of it to Maynard.

When I asked if this was the song with the REALLY unique time signatures, he told me that they had already finished the music on that one. Okay, admittedly, not exactly stop the press news, but what can I say, other than that they are still grinding away on new material four days a week, and would be back at it later in the week (once Danny returned from the Las Vegas glitz, Justin from celebrating his wedding anniversary and Shelee’s birthday in palm-swaying Hawaii, and Adam hunting for glossy treasures at Comic-Con 2016 in San Diego).

The second, possibly less important section, discusses "something happening after the record was released." Whether that "something" is a massive tour, or Carrey revealing he's a transdimensional demon, or Keenan revealing he's actually two midgets, or another album, is entirely mysterious.

I almost forgot one last item. On second thought, why even bother to bring it up? Oh, what the hell… Danny did mention the possibility of something happening after the record was released, but that this was definitely NOT a sure thing at this point. Since this involves something that may or may not even happen, I won’t (if fact, can’t) expand on it – only to say that: if it does happen, now that would be stop the press news!

Given Tool's reputation, who knows if all this is just bullshit and the album will come out next week.

[via The PRP]

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