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Earliest Live TOOL Footage Surfaces From October 1991

It's the exact opposite of new Tool. It's the oldest Tool we could find!

It's the exact opposite of new Tool. It's the oldest Tool we could find!

Ah yes, Tool circa 1991. The band was a year old at this point, Paul D'Amour was still the bassist and played a weird Ovation bass, and fans would not yet know the hardships of waiting over 10 years for a new album.

What you're about to see is Tool's performance on October 7, 1991 at The Club With No Name in Hollywood, opening for a band called Too Free Stooges. According to Metal Insider, the latter group features Porno For Pyros bassist Martyn LeNoble before he was in the band. So there's a weird little tidbit of information.

For reference, the live tracks off Tool's 1992 Opiate EP were recorded on December 31, 1991, meaning these shows pre-date even that.





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