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Lemmy Is Still Alive, According To This Illuminati Conspiracy Nutcase

Holy shit.

Holy shit.

Every time any celebrity dies, you're always going to have the conspiracy theorists and naysayers. These people will look for any sort of "meaning" in anything from the person's entire life, and string it all together into some amazing tapestry of next level bullshit.

Which is why it was insanely fun to read this Daily Star article and watch the below video. if you don't have time for this, basically all you need to know is that some dude throws around the words "numerology" and "Illuminati" a whole lot and the video is published under Truth Perception Media with a picture of Neo from The Matrix on it. So y'know, real trustworthy and not cringy at all.

Here's a few excerpts from the article, about how Lemmy isn't really dead and is an ascended master.

“Lemmy signed up for the ultimate pact…where he signed his soul over to the devil in order to achieve fame and fortune. Now just like every other celebrity that we talk about that could be involved in the infamous blood sacrifice pact, I’m not trying to take away from his skills or his abilities or talent. I’m just saying that the game…is rigged and you have to sign over in order to get the access to the high profile celebrity status. They die but they don’t really die. They actually make it and ascend into the heavenly realm.”

How 'Ace of Spades" was Lemmy's message to the world about how he didn't care because he'd already signed a deal with the Devil.

Motörhead’s most famous track, Ace of Spades, performed in the Hollywood Vampires tribute, is also believed to be a veiled reference to the ‘pact’. The lyrics include: ‘Playing for the high one, dancing with the devil, going with the flow, it’s all a game to me.’The Illuminati watcher revealed: “These lyrics suggest that Lemmy is saying, ‘look I signed a deal with the devil, I’m just going with the flow trying to get into this music game’. So now we’re seeing this high profile ritual at the Grammys where they’re saying he has moved on. He has fulfilled the contract.”

Oh, and how XXXX was totally a prediction of his own death. Not because he was ill, but because of the Illuminati!

The hard-living hell raiser – credited for being one of the cornerstones of heavy metal – died on December 28, four days after his 70th birthday. Spookily the gravelly-voiced bassist is also reported to have taken his final breath at 4pm. Meanwhile Motörhead’s final studio album, Bad Magic, was released on August 28, 2015 – exactly four months before he died. And the cover features four Xs – although this is thought to be Roman numerals referring to the band’s 40th anniversary.

I hope you didn't need your brain cells for stuff today, because they're all dead now.


[via Metal Insider]

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