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Looks Like BARONESS Is Rehearsing For A New Album

Any color you'd like… except Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, or Purple. Those are taken.

Any color you'd like... except Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, or Purple. Those are taken.

It feels like Baroness' Purple only came out a few months ago, but come December it'll have been two years. Now with guitarist and vocalist Gina Gleason taking the place of ex-guitarist and vocalist Peter Adams, Baroness appears to be working on a new album.

If you'd like to hear some of the new music, then you're out of luck. The video below is dead silence, though at the end, there's a book called 2017 Songs on the table. That coupled with the fact that the video is hashtagged with all its albums, it seems pretty likely that things are coming along.

So what color will this one be? We're gonna take a shot in the dark and say Baroness will release a new album called Orange in 2018.

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