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Announcing The Winner of Our ABYSMAL DAWN Video Contest….

The videos have been submitted and the votes are in. After much deliberation by the Abysmal Dawn, the band have picked the winners of the music video creation contest. You may recall the band offered some pretty interesting prizes. While getting ready for their tour with Obscura, Abysmal Dawn frontman Charles Elliot checked in with commentary on each of the submissions. And the winner is….


Submission by RobDigital – "What can we say other than this guy really impressed us with this video! The dark religious and industrial imagery of the clip fit the song and band perfectly and the look of it is just stunning. You even see the trademark Abysmal Dawn eclipse which was a nice touch as well. Great editing and post effects make this the winner by far. Truly proud to call this our official video. We’re drinking and partying with this guy for sure when we see him on our tour with Obscura!"

Watch all the other submissions with Charles' commentary after the jump: 

Submitted by Doobie  – "A bunch of guys drink beer around a bonfire air guitaring and kicking the shit out of each other. This video truly embodies the very essence of death metal. Well not really but it’s entertaining as hell. There’s a dude with a sweet mullet and they look like they’d be fun to hang out with so they get second place. “You did this to yourself.” haha"

Submitted by spheresovmadness666  – "This one had good editing and a mullet as well but for some reason there’s an Abysmal Dawn cover band in it. The singer doesn’t play guitar and sing at the same time so I guess he won’t be taking my job anytime soon. Also, not sure what torturing some woman in a park has to do with the song or Abysmal Dawn but maybe they were just never breast feed as children. I recommend breast feeding as an adult to make up for it if at all possible. Other than that they did a pretty damn fine job."

[tv]—my-own-savior [/tv]
Submitted by MSOwolf  – "A montage of old band pictures of guys that aren’t in the band anymore. Never the less we appreciate the effort."

"We want to thank everyone that put the time and effort into this contest. We’ll see you on the road with Obscura!" -Charles

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