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Behold: The IRON MAIDEN Toilet

Yup, it's the Lars toilet guy.

Iron Maiden Toilet

Prince Midnight, the guy responsible for the Lars Ulrich toilet and the guitar made out of his real actual dead uncle, is back with another shitty invention – literally.

Prince Midnight has taken the classic cover to Iron Maiden's 1984 album Powerslave and turned it into a toilet. According to Midnight himself in an interview with Metal Hammer, the toilet was originally created for a bar who eventually pulled out of the deal. Probably because they saw it and crapped themselves before getting to the toilet, thereby negating its intended purpose.

"I am just very devastated by the whole situation," said Midnight. "I told him [the bar staff member] that I will be detailing the events and he said I’d hear from his lawyer. After this heated exchange, we both calmed down and he said I could buy it back for $5,000. I got paid $3,000 to make it.

"Alternatively, I think anyone could buy it for that and install it. That’s my ultimate goal. Get it installed as intended. I don’t think he is a bad guy and I believe he originally intended to install it. I just feel like the barriers to doing so are pretty small. I feel that my masterpiece, my personal Mona Lisa, will never be enjoyed by the masses."

Check out a few of the photos below and maybe keep an eye out for more information to buy it? Who knows. Better yet, someone buy this thing and don't tell anyone else in the house. Have it just be in the bathroom one day.

Anyway, check out a few progress photos of the majestic throne below, including the beginnings of an upcoming Motörhead toilet that I'm sure you'll hear about soon enough.

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