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Watch IMMORTAL GUARDIAN Guitarist Play DRAGONFORCE's "Through The Fire And Flames" Through A Tesla Coil

I've watched this 25 times already. Let's go!

Tesla Coil

For all your A/V needs and desires today, we offer up this Instagram post of Immortal Guardian guitarist Gabriel Guardian playing Dragonforce's "Through the Flame and Fire" on a Kiesel guitar through—as Guardian puts it—"a fucking tesla coil." Check out the merry madness below! I mean, it's no Trombone Champ cover, but still.

Now, maybe I need to get out more, but I seriously have not seen anything that cool in a long time. I'm still tripping out on how the sound of the electric shock sounds like a million dollar drum machine. I now want to see a heavy metal challenge where bands crank their best blast beats out on this son a bitch, and give new meaning to "tech death," for real.

Oh, and for those out there that aren't aware of what this marvel of the 19th century is, no—it's not an Elon Musk invention. Shame on y'all for thinking so! I just want you to know I can hear Nikolai Tesla weeping from his grave!

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