Hi, what are you looking for?
"This for me is a release, as much as any other, it's not a livestream, it's not some way to placate people who aren't...
The best Journey song.
Specifically December 1, so get on it!
Maybe there will be another Slipknot record by then?
"I felt like they just needed a bit of new perspective. I had them each switch instruments."
With teacher Melissa Cross, the vocal guru behind The Zen of Screaming.
It's been released as a West End Motel song.
"Writing always makes me feel enthusiastic about what's next."
Plus Fozzy vocalist Chris Jericho.
Get you some progressive rock.
"'The Purge' revolves around self-reflection and a search for redemption."
"I just found out yesterday, believe it or not, we got our delivery date."
November 2021, so here's hoping it's fine.
Refused is no longer the only band involved.
It does not contain new music. I think.