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You Absolutely HAVE To Listen To Lars Ulrich on The Howard Stern Show

Late last night after getting back from the Big 4 show at Yankee Stadium, I just had to lookup the interview Lars Ulrich did with Howard Stern the day before. Howard Stern is to talk radio what Jimi Hendrix is to guitar. The man has turned the interview into an art form. The way he asks the most awkward questions matter-of-factly, and gets real answers from people is a true talent. This Lars interview is the perfect example. It's actually a really in-depth hour long conversation that is worth listening to if you happen to be a fan of the band.

It starts with Lars bragging about how great a tennis player he was and then talking about how he was a self-taught drummer, and basically sucked so bad that he went and got lessons between Kill 'Em All and Ride The Lightning. He also tells some great stories about Dave Mustaine (aka the most popular kid in town) and his relationship with James Hetfield. At the tail end, Richard Christy even comes on to gush about how much he loves Lars. It's a 6 parter, so brace yourselves:







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