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ANAL TRUMP Is The Grindcore Band We Needed Right Now; These Song Titles Are Hilarious

From the mind of Cattle Decapitation frontman Travis Ryan, comes the best grindcore band of the year.

From the mind of Cattle Decapitation frontman Travis Ryan, comes the best grindcore band of the year.

Seth Putnam and Anal Cunt were arguably one of the best, most unapologetic bands (and individuals) to have ever graced metal. Now, in a Putnam-less world where Donald Trump is an actual candidate for president, comes Anal Trump! The band, fronted by Cattle Decapitation's Travis Ryan, with all music by Ryan Crow, sports hits such as "I Like The Soldiers Who DON'T Get Captured," "Blood Coming Out Of Her Whatever," and "Make America Great Again."

In the vain of amazing Anal Cunt song lyrics, these guys pull no punches with theirs. Seriously, check out this tracklisting:

01.You Gotta Treat Em Like Shit
02.PTSD Is Gay
03.Some Mexicans Aren't Rapists
04.I Like The Soldiers Who DON'T Get Captured
05.My Daughter Is A Piece Of Ass
06.Poor People Are Too Stupid To Get A Loan From Their Parents
07.There's My African American!
08.Blood Coming Out Of Her Wherever
09.Mexican Judges Don't Count
10.Journalism Is Gay
11.I'd Date My Daughter
12.Grab Em By The Pussy
13.Take His Coat
14.Breast Feeding Is Gay
15.Ted Nugent Is Cool
16.Dave Mustaine Is Cool
17.Trump Tower Has The Best Taco Bowls
18.Poll Watcher
19.Some Things Saddam Hussein Did Well
20.Changing Diapers Is Gay
21.Build That Wall
22.Alex Jones Is Smart
23.I'm In Astonishingly Excellent Health
24.Stay In Your Pens
25.911 Was Inconvenient For Me, Personally
26.Make America Great Again
27.Nobody Respects Women More Than Me
28.Harriet Tubman Is, Like, A 3
29.I Demand An Apology!
30.That Makes Me Smart!

You can stream the whole That Makes Me Smart! album below, or grab a copy here. What is your favorite song title here?

Seeing all the publicity the band got, Ryan released this statement on his Facebook page:

Alright, I feel like I gotta say something. For one, I'm not the "genius" or "mastermind" behind Anal Trump like these sites are spinning it as. I was asked by my friend, and musical fucking genius, Rob Crow, to throw some vocals on a grindcore Anal Cunt-ISH joke project called Anal Trump. Literally like 2 weeks ago. Seeing as how Trump is a clown, I was fresh off this Brujeria tour and I'll jump at the chance to work with this guy, I said "fuck yeah"! He wrote, recorded and performed all the music and even wrote the lyrics. All i did were all the vocals, I think I maybe came up with the taco bowl idea and the song about him confiscating the coats. Lol. That's all.

I'm not a far left liberal, I'm DEFINITELY not a conservative. I'm actually somewhere in the middle although I'm registered as a Democrat. I think this world is too polarized right now and life doesn't work that way. Life is chaos. Chaos resides in no end of any spectrum. That middle grey area is where discussion and dialogue takes place. Its where reality dwells and that's the closest I identify with. Anal Trump is meant to be a funny response to this ridiculous man in a grindcore setting, a genre that gets its sound and values from punk, hardcore and the old days of extreme metal where fans didnt give a shit what nationality you are, what your political stance is. IT'S FUNNY. You know… " HA HA"? Its meant to make people laugh. We're glad most people get it, whether they're for Trump or against him, and are getting a kick out of it.

Wanna get mad at Anal Trump? I don't see how anyone has the energy for that considering the state of the world and the fact that there's so much more to be mad at than 2 dudes who spent a period of a few hours making 3-13 second songs about an orange billionaire.

I will be releasing the Anal Trump 7" on my old defunct label Attention Deficit Recordings, so be on the lookout for that. It will be months from now cuz the vinyl industry is bogged down but I will let y'all know of course… just be sure to follow my page so you will know when its ready. It will be a limited edition of 300 copies.

Ok, I think I just spent more time writing this than we did writing, recording, performing any given track on this release, lol!

Speaking of Seth Putnam, this is a good time to remind folks that shortly before he passed, we had the honor of interviewing him after he awoke from a post-meth binge coma, and it was awkward and hilarious. Here is the interview:


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Cattle Decapitation has a lot of great material, in case you forgot.


Shout out to photographer Rae Chatten.